Bible Verse

This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 188:24

Saturday, July 23, 2011

At the moment

We got home from our camping trip last weekend and I am still trying to get things organized and back to "normal". It doesn't help that I am in my last week of class and have work to turn in on Monday...and our floor is tore up because my dad came down to lay laminate and the job is still in progress. So I feel all chaotic. And kids have been having trouble getting along. I feel like too much is going on at once and I'm on my one last nerve. I need a vacation from my vacation. And I probably should not be posting right now because I have other things that need to get done, but I guess I can look at it as my therapeutic outlet. I haven't been sewing lately, which is what I usually do for my sanity, so this is the next best thing. I am looking forward to my month long break before I have to start school again. It is definately needed. It is so hard going to school over the summer, I am just not motivated..not to mention I am constanly busy with three kids being home, every day. We have done some fun things this summer, but I am ready for them to go back to school. I love my kids dearly, but mama needs some quiet time. And I don't get it with three kids constanly arguing and yelling and running and being mean to eachother. Why can't we all just get along! I think it's nap time...

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