Bible Verse
This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 188:24
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My dr. appointment
Today I went to see my midwife, I asked her to check to see if the baby was head down. On Monday when we did the 3d ultrasound baby's head was up under my ribs. The midwife did another ultrasound to make sure...and the baby is head down! Yeah!! Let's hope that baby stays that way...Everything else was good, heartbeat was 140. She also checked me and she said that I was at a 1 1/2, so we'll see. We are just continuing to wait. I have been feeling good, no regular contractions, although when I do have them they are getting more uncomfortable...I don't know if that means anything. Yesterday I did come down with a cold, so I just hope that the baby waits a little bit to come, it would not be fun to be in labor with a cold, not being able to breath and just feeling icky. So that's the news, my next appointment is on the 13th...I wonder if I'll make it:)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Here's a little update

As of yesterday I have officially two weeks until my due date...Crazy! I am getting really excited to see this little one...although I am a little anxious about the labor and delivery. I pray that everything is fine.
The kids had a good time for halloween (I need to get pics off my camera) Luke was Indiana Jones and Avery was a little 50's girl with a poodle skirt. We went to church for Rocktoberfest. Tara, Ian and their two kids came too, so the kids ran around having a great ol' time. We couldn't tear them away from the jumpees so Tara and I took Avery and went around to get candy for them. They had this thing called 'trunk or treat' and people had decorated thier cars and they were handing out candy from their was very cool. After church we went to Chad's sisters house so Luke could run around with Brody, he also had to switch his now he is a clone trooper from Star Wars. For his halloween party at school he dressed up as batman...what can I say, the kid loves to pretend!
Luke also has started t-ball. He went for his first time yesterday and it was so much fun to watch. About a dozen little kids running around not having a clue what's going on, I was laughing so much:) They are just being taught the basics...hitting, running the bases, playing in the field...stuff like that. At one point I caught him in the outfield spinning in circles until he fell down dizzy...I couldn't stop laughing. He was so excited though, he had a lot of fun. ( more pics I need to get off the camera).
So I think that pretty much sums it up, we are just waiting for the arrival of the next hilzer baby and I am trying to working a couple days a week still. I'm going to dr. appointments once a week and everything is good, I'm going to ask her next time about the baby not being head down yet. Other than that, nothing much else is going on with the Hilzer family. Will try and be better about keeping a more recent update about things...Take care and love you all!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Mr. Fish

So from New York we were flying out of JFK, we had to take the subway from the upper east side, then get on the airport shuttle thing. Well we missed our flight to Seattle, and the next one wasn't until 8pm the next evening, so in a little of bit of a panic we ended up flying to Salt lake, getting a southwest flight to Portland and then Roger came to pick us up in his plane and flew us back to my moms. So it was an adventure to say the least...but we got there!
Chad and the kids driving the golf cart up and down the taxi way.
At the Point Defiance zoo in Tacoma. There is a cool aquarium there with sharks and everything.
Luke driving his little boat at Island lake.
We had to go to a Mariners game. This stadium is really nice, we went with my brothers and had a really good time.
Playing in the water at Island Lake.
After our trip back east, we came back to visit with my mom in Washington. Chad stayed 4 days and we had a really nice time. He had never been up there, we drove around so I could show him the area, we took the kids to Luke's favorite park (castle park), we took the ferry over to Seattle and went to a baseball game, we just had a nice time. After Chad left, the kids and I stayed another week. The weather was really nice, a big difference from being hot and humid.

After our trip back east, we came back to visit with my mom in Washington. Chad stayed 4 days and we had a really nice time. He had never been up there, we drove around so I could show him the area, we took the kids to Luke's favorite park (castle park), we took the ferry over to Seattle and went to a baseball game, we just had a nice time. After Chad left, the kids and I stayed another week. The weather was really nice, a big difference from being hot and humid.
Our trip back east

All in all our trip was fun, and we enjoyed ourselves...except for our flight back (to Seattle to visit my mom).
Pregnant friends

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Belly update
4th of July

Luke's 4th Birthday

Blayke's visit

My dad's visit (June 22-June 28)
My last birthday...

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Wild Animal Park

I took the kids to the animal park the same day as my dr appt. making it a more worthwhile trip. We started by walking the trail that's up by condor ridge. It's neat because it takes you down past the elephants and tigers, the tiger was out and walking around which was cool. We also walked down where we could see the giraffes. It was a nice walk, I felt like we were on a nature hike. Luke was complaining because I only had the umbrella stroller so he had to walk the whole time, he was a trooper though. We ended up down by the lions so he could play in the water, which the only thing that he wanted to do. And then of course we got a treat. It wasn't too hot that day so I enjoyed walking around in the sun. We had a really nice time.
Last week of Awanas

Luke's haircut

I liked how long his hair was getting, but when he would play it would get all sweaty and nasty so he said that he wanted hair like his dad's. I got talked into letting Chad buzz it off. I was sad at first because he looks so much more grown up now, but I'm getting used to it and he does look awful cute with a buzz...and it's so much easier!
Grammy's visit

My mom came down for a short little visit a couple of weeks ago. It was so nice to see her, the kids had so much fun with her too. It was the weekend of the 100+ degree heat so we spent some time at our pool, the kids love the water. We also went to a hoedown at Murrieta Ranch preschool, where Luke's cousin Brody goes. Luke will be starting there in Aug. so we wanted to have him see what it was like and run around with the other kids. He is really excited about going there, and always asks when is he going to his "new" school. The boys ran around and had a blast, we stayed in the shade and tried to keep cool. My mom was only here for a long weekend so we didn't do too much, but it was nice to just hang out and spend time with her. I don't get to see her has much as I'd like so I'll take whenever I can get. This summer the kids will be going up to stay with her for a week while Chad and I are in NY and Boston, then after I'm going to fly to Washington to stay awhile longer. So I have that to look forward to.
In the middle...

Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Kiddos
Friday, May 9, 2008
Big girl!
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