Bible Verse
This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 188:24
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Girl Time
This morning I had breakfast with three of my girls from high school and it was so nice to spend girl time together just talking and catching up with out kids running around distracting us. We don't get together as often as I'd like so hopefully we can make that more of a priority. They remind me who I am and it's so comfortable to just "be" with them.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ice Cream Cones
Now my life is far from perfect, I hardly have 'perfect' days, but yesterday was one of those days that just made all the others worth it. It started out pretty normal. I have been trying to get up a little earlier to have my alone time with God, and it has been difficult (i might have to go to bed a little earlier still). My alarm is set for 6:45 but I seem to not hear it until around 7:20 I read my little daily devotional, a chapter or two in my Bible (I am trying to read it all the way through) and pray. It's close to 8:00 and I find myself still rushing to get kids dressed and fed and myself dressed as well. Needless to say there has been some spiritual warfare going on here and it has taken its toll, yesterday morning included (but not as bad as the day before). Okay so I have the three kids in the car and we aren't as late as we normally are, so that's a plus, I drop off my oldest and his buddy, and I keep the two younger ones. We go to get an oil change (oh so fun) and run one other place, then I take them to the park near our house. They need to run around. The park is something that I don't do nearly enough, I figure we have a big enough yard for them to play in, but the park is special. Okay, so we come home, have a little lunch, small one takes a nap (after crying for who knows how long) and the girl watches a Disney movie (my saving grace). Fast forward to dinner time, Chad goes off to bowling, I make dinner for the four of us, we all sit at the table, which is not a common practice, then it's out to play. The dishes wait. The kids run around for a bit, I water and pull up some dead plants to return...and now the point of my story. Ice cream cones on the porch. Three children, two dogs and one mommy enjoying the cool of the evening and eating ice cream on our porch. It was just a nice ending to my somewhat hectic day. Just that moment put peace in my heart. Then it turned chaotic again with bathtime (they were filthy!) and bedtime. Eventually they all fell asleep and again I stayed up way too late and didn't want to get up again this morning. Maybe tomorrow will be a different story.
*I take photos specifically to blog about (this post included) but you know the time just gets away from me and they are still on my camera...maybe someday)
*I take photos specifically to blog about (this post included) but you know the time just gets away from me and they are still on my camera...maybe someday)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Being a Mommy is Tiring
I woke up this morning exhausted, my body just ached. And I didn't do anything crazy. So I reflected...I think why my days get so overwhelming is that I'm trying to do too much right from the start, and they can be overwhelming from the moment I open my eyes and am bombarded by three very awake children. Now if I would just go to bed a little earlier, and not get sucked into watching tv, then I could quite possibly wake up a little earlier and have some alone time to do what I need to do, before the hooligans get up. It's like I have zero time for myself during the day, except naptimes which are getting shorter and shorter, to do anyting productive. Then I feel guilty for not making time to read my Bible and have quiet time with God, because if I wait and not do it in the morning (because I am sleeping) then it doesn't get done...I run out of hours in the day. And it's totally my fault, I just need to switch things up a bit and prioritze, especially being back in school again. My life is just going to get more chaotic if I don't nip this in the bud.
So this is my plan:
1. Go to bed one hour earlier
2. Wake up one hour earlier
...we shall see how this goes
on another note, how come crying children can be so frustrating, especially when I am trying to do something? I just want to put him in the hallway and close my that wrong? At times I am guilty of just this moment however I think that I may choose differenlty, he is looking at me with a sad little face and saying "mommy" so needily....although normally I can't stand whining (it totally just makes me crazy) I will go to him and give him a little love. Oh look, he has gotten over it and is off the bed and wandering into his sissys room to cause havoc. I love you boy! Thank goodness for Disney movies (for the girl)...I can get many a thing accomplished when I put one in and she is entertained for a while...and now Cindrella is over and they both are calling my name informing me that the movie is over, two against one, they win.
So this is my plan:
1. Go to bed one hour earlier
2. Wake up one hour earlier
...we shall see how this goes
on another note, how come crying children can be so frustrating, especially when I am trying to do something? I just want to put him in the hallway and close my that wrong? At times I am guilty of just this moment however I think that I may choose differenlty, he is looking at me with a sad little face and saying "mommy" so needily....although normally I can't stand whining (it totally just makes me crazy) I will go to him and give him a little love. Oh look, he has gotten over it and is off the bed and wandering into his sissys room to cause havoc. I love you boy! Thank goodness for Disney movies (for the girl)...I can get many a thing accomplished when I put one in and she is entertained for a while...and now Cindrella is over and they both are calling my name informing me that the movie is over, two against one, they win.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
too much stuff!
I have a total issue with shopping. Spending money is my vice. It's definately something that I need the Lord's help with. Now it's not like I go to expensive department stores or fancy boutiques or anything. I'm not going out and buying a $500 pair of shoes, I just go to normal places to get regular stuff; target, wal mart, the grocery store, goodwill. But it's like I always find something that I can't live without, I have to have it, and I hate that feeling. It's like the devil is whispering in my ear 'oh you can't live without that, buy it now or someone else will, it's so cute, you have to have it'. And then I get home and feel guilty, so what do I do? I go and return it (which totally drives my husband insane). He tells me it's a sickness and I need help:) Lovingly of course. I go leave the house with lmy shopping lists; specific things in mind and I usually come out way over doing it. Why can't I just stick to the lis? What can Ireally not live without? How much of what I buy is actually necessity? No wonder my kids are always asking for stuff; we live in a society that is always telling us we need to have this or that, we need the new better bigger whatever. My kids watch tv in the morning and I am getting so sick of hearing all the commercials advertising all this junk...and then my kids say 'oh I want this, I want that'. We learn at such a young age to "want stuff". My daughter is 3. Do we need it? NO!. "Oh so and so has this, I need to get this too". I'm trying to teach them to be grateful for what they have, but I guess it's learn by example because most of the time I totally miss the grateful bus. We go through their toys when we have garage sales or to take stuff to the thrift store and sometimes it's hard for me to get rid of some of their stuff. I want my kids to be happy but really happiness is not measured by how much stuff we collect. And really the only thing that we truly need is God, everthing else is worldly stuff. He will provide for our needs, He loves us unconditionally...we don't need to have the newest bigger faster anything. He just wants us to have a relationship with him, serve him, love him and love others. I am naturally self centered, there's no two ways about it, it is so hard sometimes (most times) to put my needs/wants aside and put myself out there to help someone else unselfishly. Our God is awesome, and when I push away all the self-centeredness and bless someone else with a joyful heart, He will then bless me. That is what I want to teach my kids, and it's totally a struggle because I'm still learning.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My Girls
I'm so grateful for good friends. Close friendships are hard for me to form. It wasn't until I started attending church again that I have made some good friends, I'm the type of person who has a few REALLY close friends, not a million of buddies. I have known my bff's since elementary and middle school. And even though we don't talk or see eachother all the time when we do get together it's like no time has passed. I know that we are all busy with our own stuff and it's hard to coordinate schedules but a day doesn't go by that my girls aren't in my thoughts. They all have been a part of my life for so long that my life seriously would not be the same without them. They know who I really am and I can be myself around them, it's just comfortable. Like old sweats:) Don't you like being compared to ratty old clothing? I love all my girls so much, another chapter of our lives is beginning and I look forward to all the fun we will have raising our families together. You know who you are...I love you!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Back to School
Oh I woke up nervous. I had that weird feeling in my tummy and then I started to freak out just a bit. What the heck am I thinking, I get stressed and overwhelmed with my life the way it is and now I'm thinking that I can add going back to school in the mix. Holy cow! If it were doing this on my own strength than I would surely fail, I would go to the first class and decide this is not right for my life right now, or I wouldn't even go at all. But it's not by my strength that I am pursuing this, it is not just my plan or my idea. I prayed about this decision constantly, checking in with God making sure that this is what I am meant to be doing at this time in my life, with three small children. I got into the masters program at Cal Baptist at the very last minute, and there was a small chance that I wouldn't even get to start this semester because of all the paperwork that needed to be turned in. At every hiccup I thought to myself, oh well, did I really want to do this now...the Lord has different plans for me, everything went through on time, I am currently waiting to find out about my financial aid, but other than that I am accepted and enrolled and I start class tonight. Just thinking about it makes me all light headed with butterflies in my stomach. What am I doing?! As women we are identified by our many different hats; wife, mother, daughter, sister,friend,teacher,student, etc. It is exhausting if I try to identify myself by each of these separately, not to mention impossible. I'm reading this great book written by Christine Caine, she wrote "...if I allow all the different roles to define me instead of who I truly am in Christ defining them, I'm going to get all messed up." I'm going to fail if I try to do this all on my own, who I really am can only be found in Christ. There are all these definitions of me, but the only one that truly matters is the way I am defined by Jesus Christ. So in order to get through this crazy, insane, impossible time in my life I have to stop, slow down, and get back to who I am in Jesus' eyes...a uniquely, wonderfully made girl of God. I was made for a specific purspose, God chose me before I was born, he knew the accomplishments I would make, and the struggles I would go through, and as long as I stay close to Him and put all my trust and faith in Him, I can do anything! How awesome is that. I still feel weak and shakey, but I know that this is what I am called to do and in all things I will glorify God...even though I'm scared. Not knowing what is going to happen is terrifying. I am totally out of my comfot zone right now and I really don't like it. But I have an amazing God who is holding out his arms just in case I start to fall, he will catch me and keep me and love me and give me strength to go on. Maybe it's not all nerves.and fear..there might be a little excitement in there too. Thank you Lord for allowing me to start this next chapter in my life.
"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you or abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:8
"The eternal God is your refuge and his everlasting arms are under you. He drives out the enemy before you; He cries out, 'Destroy Them!' Deuteronomy 33:27
These verses totally shot out to me this morning when I was trying to figure out with the Lord what I was thinking. How cool is it that we have the Lord's Word right at our fingertips, to turn to for comfort and direction. All I have to do is belive and follow the direction, which is hard to do most times. Thank goodness we have a forgiving God who is always for us.
"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you or abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:8
"The eternal God is your refuge and his everlasting arms are under you. He drives out the enemy before you; He cries out, 'Destroy Them!' Deuteronomy 33:27
These verses totally shot out to me this morning when I was trying to figure out with the Lord what I was thinking. How cool is it that we have the Lord's Word right at our fingertips, to turn to for comfort and direction. All I have to do is belive and follow the direction, which is hard to do most times. Thank goodness we have a forgiving God who is always for us.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Short and sweet
I am ready to turn in for the night but I needed to write a little something. Guess what?! My house is still dirty, the dishes are done though. It's so hard to "do it all"...I am starting school tomorrow and I am scared, and anxious and nervous...and about a million other emotions. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...Luv ya Good night
Saturday, September 11, 2010
It's late and I am exhausted but I needed to write just a little note about the incredible time I had at Women Rock conference in San Bernadino. I went with amazing women, the speakers were awesome, and the church was BEAUTIFUL...and totally huge. It was so amazing...if you haven't heard of Christine Caine, check her out!!!! I can't think of words to describe her...she is real, passionate, hardcore for Jesus...I totally love her, I bought her book and can't wait to start reading it. The other speakers were phenomenal as well, Sam Chand and Deborah Pegues, both worthy of checking out. This is the first women's conference I've been to and I am definately psyched to go again, I can't wait for next year...I am totally there!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Do you ever have those mornings when things just start off on the wrong note? It's like I was awakened by whining, and crying, and little brother biting big sister...And now I have to get up, get three kids breakfast and make sure one of them gets dressed, brushes his teeth and is ready for school (the other two get to stay home today). And it's my week for driving carpool in the mornings so now it's 8:30 and I'm trying to round up the three wild ones and get them out the door...along with two dogs. I'm at home now after going through stuff for a garage sale...rearranging things from garage to my sewing room...while the younger two are supposed to be watching tv (because it is on) but instead it seems to be more fun to get into my fabric and mess around with my sewing machine. Who's bright idea was it to leave them in there unsupervised anyway? Well they have had lunch, and I've threatened once or twice to put the youngest down for a nap...but then I check emails and then get sucked into the blogging world and looking at other peoples awesome blogs. So what do I do now....start blogging and one little boy is still not down for a nap...And the little girl keeps informing me that there is a bug in her room. So I must come to the rescue....Ah I killed the little bugger. The two of them are again playing nicely in her room for the moment. Now while I'm thinking that I should rock my little one so he can go to sleep for a couple hours, I am also making a list of the million other things that I should be doing...dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping and vaccuming (I can never remember how to spell that) and let's not forget dusting. But then I start thinking, you know I am just going to make more dishes, there will be more laundry to do tomorrow and there is endless dirt getting tracked into the house with three little whippersnappers and two crazy mutts. So now I have decided to live with a dirty house and to just put the boy to bed...I will get to everything else tomorrow...maybe:) oh and I thought I should mention that my two little love bugs are still in there pajamas and I have yet to brush my teeth (if you think that's gross oh well). It's been one of those days, and really I wouldn't change it for the world. I know I am blessed to be a mother, even though I sometimes feel like pulling out my hair. The sweet, quiet, snuggly, I love you, moments make it all worth it. I thank God for my family everyday (in my heart if I'm too overwhelmed to consiously remember) He knows. He always knows. He gives me the strength to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. Now really my son needs to take a nap.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Yeah for Oranges

I am so excited that our little tree is starting to grow little oranges. I was a little worried about it for a while thinking that it wasn't doing so hot, but it seems to be thriving. We will see once those little suckers get bigger. I can't wait! It's so neat being able to grow food that we enjoy. We have already had yummy apples and apricots, hopefully these oranges will be just as good. Chad built me a couple raised garden beds for us to start growing some veggies and herbs, that will be a fun little experiment. It's so nice being outside with the kids (when it's not 100 degrees out), letting them run around and play...and even helping a little in the garden. They all love to water...mostly they just like playing with the hose I'm sure, but every little bit helps.
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